Mental Health Services Providers
. The potential medical return to the nation's mental health care system is highlighted by recent epidemiological studies: (1) over half the adult population suffers from a mental disorder at some point; (2(4) over a third of those adult diagnoses were made as children of parents who suffer from mental disorders; and (5) at least one-third of people with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder, affective disorder, bipolar disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder are classified as being mentally unhealthy. The increased societal demand for these
Mental Health services is reflected in our increased number of psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health specialists.
Because the stigma of mental illness is so powerful, there are many families who would rather not address the issue or even to have their loved one committed to a mental health facility. For these families, there are a number of mental health services options available. In addition to more traditional forms of mental health treatment, a person with a mental illness can be treated using medications. These medications can help alleviate the symptoms of a mental illness while addressing the underlying cause of the disorder - both conditions are usually treated together. For example, dual diagnosis treatment involves the use of medications that are used to treat two separate conditions.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment is a growing area of specialty in mental health services. Dual Diagnosis refers to the use of two different sets of psychological tests, one to identify a mental health condition and one to determine the presence of a particular mental health disorder. In most community health centers, a psychiatrist or psychologist will conduct a psychological test, and then a psychiatrist will administer a standard psychiatric test. If the results of both tests are negative, then the patient may be diagnosed with a mental health disorder and will receive treatment from a psychiatrist or psychologist with expertise in dual diagnosis.
In addition to psychiatrist-psychologist consultations, primary healthcare providers, which are typically family practitioners, gynecologists and nurses, can provide essential primary mental health services for their patients. While primary healthcare providers do not have all the skills and training that psychiatrists and psychologists have, they do have the background necessary to diagnose and treat mental illnesses. Some primary healthcare providers work in hospitals or clinics; others are community based and work in private practices. Because primary healthcare providers have little or no clinical training, many of them prefer to work with patients' families.
There are several ways that primary care providers can provide mental health services. The primary healthcare provider may refer their patients to psychiatrists or psychologists if necessary. If the primary healthcare provider does not feel that their patient is a good candidate for mental health services, they may refer the patient to an alternative provider. Many community organizations, such as schools and hospitals, offer mental health services to all individuals when needed. The primary providers at these facilities are usually physicians, chiropractors and registered nurses.
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Primary care providers are not limited to mental health services. They can offer basic services to children, pregnant women and people with other health challenges. For people who are at high risk for acute mental health problems or who require urgent care, they can turn to community and county agencies and organizations for case management and Crisis Intervention Teams. You can get more enlightened on this topic by reading here: